How might we design an experience that sparks curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation to enhance learning and discovery?
Questopia is an event finder game for young adult in order to encourage them to foster curiosity and connect with their inner child through exploration and experimentation with their surroundings and community.
Conducting interviews, secondary research, brainstorming, personas, empathy mapping, research synthesis, insights, brainstorming, re-framing the problem, problem statement, user journey mapping, app flow, task flow, user flow, competitive analysis, features, visual branding, low fidelity prototype, and high fidelity prototype.
To design an experience that sparks curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation to enhance learning and discovery.
UX Designer in a team of three other UX Designers collaborating to lead the product from conception to showcase.
August 2022 - September 2022
Figma, FigJam, Google Meet, Google Forms
Getting to know what will spark curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation to enhance learning in young adults.
After hearing my team’s challenge, “How might we design an experience that sparks curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation to enhance learning and discovery?”, we decided to begin by conducting interviews. We drafted an interview script and took notes on what young adults had to say about what sparks their curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation.
We also decided to make personas to understand our audience of young adults on a deeper level. The personas were constructed while keeping in mind what we learned from our interview participants.
With our personas, created corresponding empathy maps to draft our knowledge about young adults and further our exploration of what sparks curiosity and adventure in young adults.
Narrowing down information we collected from our discover phase to uncover what will inspire curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation to enhance learning and discover among young adults.
With our deepened understanding of young adults in the discover phase, we synthesized our research so we could get to the core of what will inspire young adults to unleash their inner sense of adventure. The synthesis consisted of organizing our persona and empathy mapping results into four categories: User Needs, User Goals, Pain Points, and Behaviours.
Our synthesis of user input was then translated into insights based on the most prevalent patterns.
Knowing that young adults often struggle to find things to do, we brainstormed ways that we can help them while promoting curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation. We voted on what we thought were the most effective ideas at solving the problem based on our research.
Using what we defined as the core problem for young adults to construct a solution that sparks curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation in young adults to enhance their learning and discovery.
With our product theme in mind, we conducted a competitive analysis to examine the features, strengths, and weaknesses of five competitors. Using this allowed us to avoid our competitors weaknesses and learn from their strengths.
We used a user journey map to make sure the process our app follows is seamless and allows users to have an enjoyable time navigating.
Our user flow contains the pages, interactions, and decisions a user will make from the start to end of using Questopia. This helps us to decide which pages or interactions are most important and what order to place them.
Building our solution so that we can help young adults to spark their curiosity and self-reflection through exploration and adventure.
Before we started designing our idea, we planned oue the theme, colour scheme, and typography.
Planning out the structure of our app.
Link to PrototypeOur high fidelity prototype is the final design of our app.
Overall, Questopia allows young adults to cultivate their curiosity, self-reflection, and experimentation through giving them new experiences. I enjoyed creating Questopia because it solves a problem for young adults and will help them have fun!